Wicklow people want an incinerator. I haven't seen any national survey along these lines, but according to this week's Wicklow Times (survey results reproduced here) 45% of Wicklow residents were in favor of locating an incinerator in the county and a further 35% would consider such a proposal. Only 20% of respondents said 'No'.
And, many who are currently 'Would consider' become solid 'Yes' if they're promised a reduction in their waste collection charges. Has there been any national survey along these lines?
Of course, the survey doesn't offer any insight as to where exactly such an incinerator would be located, which is the $64,000 question really.
The local authorities should tackle this one right now. Put out a tender to build and operate the incinerator and build into the tender guarantees that those who live nearest get the most financial benefit with benefits reduced as the radius expands.