Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Serious penance

Mark Brown, columnist with the Chicago Sun Times, is just a little fearful that President Bush may have been right all along.

Brown was opposed to the war and still believes it's too early to throw in the towel, but now he says it's time for him (and those who are in the same boat as him) to "face the possibility" that they were wrong.
But after watching Sunday's election in Iraq and seeing the first clear sign that freedom really may mean something to the Iraqi people, you have to be asking yourself: What if it turns out Bush was right, and we were wrong?

It's hard to swallow, isn't it?

. . . if it turns out Bush was right all along, this is going to require some serious penance.
Interestingly, Brown says that he believes that if the US succeeds in establishing "a peaceable democratic government in Iraq" that this will also justify the loss of American lives in the effort. From a "left" perspective, I suppose this is true, but from a "right" (conservative, isolationist, whatever you want to call it) perspective, I don't think this holds. Only if the American security is enhanced will people from the right be willing to concede that the war was "worth it".

{Found through the Corner.}