Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Baby's it's cold down there

You think it's cold here? Well compared with the current weather in hell it's positively steaming outside. Yes, that's right. The temperature in hell has taken a serious nose dive. In fact, hell hath frozen over.

Today, March 1 (had to check twice to make sure it wasn't April 1) the NY Times (yes, that very same NY Times) has praised the Bush Administration.

The lead editorial in today's paper deals with the changes sweeping the Middle East. First, Iraq, then the elections in Saudi, then the declaration by Hosni Mubarak that there should be a proper democratic presidential election in Egypt and now, in the wake of the assassination of Rafik Hariri, the fall of the Syrian-backed government in Lebanon.

. . . this has so far been a year of heartening surprises - each one remarkable in itself, and taken together truly astonishing. The Bush administration is entitled to claim a healthy share of the credit for many of these advances. It boldly proclaimed the cause of Middle East democracy at a time when few in the West thought it had any realistic chance. And for all the negative consequences that flowed from the American invasion of Iraq, there could have been no democratic elections there this January if Saddam Hussein had still been in power.
The Berlin Wall has fallen and the cold war is finally over. It won't be long now before Bush voters are crawling all over one another in an attempt to unlock the cabinet drawers containing the minutes for every editorial board meeting for the past five  ten  fifteen  twenty  twenty-five  forty plus years.