I know next to nothing about what managing ports entails. But, I think I'm in pretty good company because I'm pretty sure that many of those who are outraged (bordering on hysterical) about the sale of American ports (by a British company) to a Dubai-based company are nearly as clueless as I am.
President Bush is getting it from those on the right and those on the left because he won't stop the sale. Mayor O'Malley of Baltimore has essentially said, "Give me British ports or give me death" while speaking about the port where the Star Spangled Banner was written.
First of all, I think it would probably be easier for al Qaeda to infiltrate a British company and gather useful intelligence than it will be to do so with an Arab company in charge. That company still wants to make money and they will be aware that everyone's going to be watching them closely. Second, the US Coast Guard & Customs authorities are still responsible for security at the ports.
Now there are people who just don't trust Arabs/Muslims and they're not happy about this deal. I can understand their reasoning. What I can't understand is how someone can be in favor our big nation-building project in Iraq, but at the same time think that your A-Rabs are just not trustworthy.
I also can't understand how those who get all riled up about racial profiling aren't just a little squeamish about their fear-mongering regarding Arab business owners, who will more than likely be thousands of miles away from the US on an everyday basis. If Arabs can't own a business formerly owned by a British company, how can they be trusted as members of the armed forces, police, etc.?