Wednesday, January 26, 2005


The worst place I have ever been is Majdanek, a concentration camp just outside Lublin in eastern Poland. I'll never forget the long shed, top to bottom full of baby shoes from those babies who died there.

The news has had a lot on the 60th Anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. Yet, I don't think the coverage - especially on the t.v. news - has been graphic enough. Just as RTE & the BBC last year replayed those 20 year old images from Ethiopia in order to bring the horror of starvation back into our living rooms, so should they be using 60 year old film clips from the concentration camps to bring the horror of industrial killing into our living rooms.

It's hard to face and, as Adam Levy writes in today's Albany Times-Union, for many impossible to comprehend, but people cannot "never forget" what was not learned in the first place.