Saturday, September 04, 2004

Too cynical?

Maybe this notion is already all over the web, but I just can't shake the feeling that Bill Clinton's heart surgery was well timed. I don't doubt that he has a problem with a blockage in his arteries, but there's just this part of me that won't stop thinking he may actually have angioplasty, but we'll never know. Angioplasty would allow for a much quicker recovery and would allow him to continue campaigning for Kerry.

I suspect that Clinton knows that John Kerry's campaign is doomed and he doesn't want to be associated with it. This medical alert gets him off the hook.

By the way, I think I should add that in no way would I wish any ill on Bill Clinton. If he's as unwell as the reports seem to indicate, then of course I hope he makes a full recovery. And, if he's not so unwell then I admire his political acumen.