Friday, March 10, 2006

Bl***y hell

I have to admit that I find it kind of amusing that the Australian Government's new advertising campaign has been banished from British television because it's too rude. The offense is in this sentence, "So where the bloody hell are you?"

I don't have a good feel for the word "bloody" as a curse, so maybe I can't really comment. However, I watch enough British television to know that there is a lot of sexual innuendo in their ads that I believe is too much for family viewing. Yet, no one seems too worried about that.

This also remind me of the time I cut my hand and bled all over my pants. After I had tended to my wound, I shouted out to my wife, "What should I do with these bloody pants?" My 5-year-old daughter looked at me in horror and said in her best firm voice, "Daddy, that's rude!" Of course, she then ran off to tell her mother of my offense. I got off on a technicality - "He's American".