Monday, November 14, 2005

Science in school

Last time I mentioned intelligent design I admitted I didn't know much about it. Well, nothing's changed on that score I still don't know much about it. I do know, however, that Pat Robertson made a fool of himself last week.

The people of Dover, PA voted to turn out 8 members of their school board who had introduced ID to science classes in their school district. Robertson's response was classic. Basically he told Dover's residents that, 'God will smite you'.
"You just voted God out of your city," Robertson said in his televised remarks. "If that's the case, don't ask for his help, because he might not be there."
I can't imagine too many people are that worried about evolution and biology classes and it's always nice to see common sense in action. Parents should not be afraid of their children learning scientific theories, even though science is frequently wrong.

I also don't think children should be wound up to be afraid of science, which is a problem I have encountered here. My own daughter is being subjected to uninformed scare-mongering intended to frighten her away from nuclear power. I can't understand this. This does nothing to foster interest in science.