Yet, she mangles enough facts, dismisses truths and glosses over real idiocy to such an extent that I can't take her seriously.
- President Bush never referred to the war on Iraq as a "crusade". He used the word - once - just after September 11 when describing American's pursuit of terrorists. He hasn't used the word again.
- There are real differences between what Mahathir Muhammad said about Jews and what General Boykin said about Islam. Essentially, General Boykin was claiming his religion, Christianity, superior to Islam. Am I supposed to believe that no leading Muslims believe that Islam is superior to Christianity? What Mahathir Muhammad said ". . . today the Jews rule this world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them" is simply loony. Ms. Karmi claims that his words were taken out of context (follow the link above for the whole speech). Perhaps they were. Perhaps he doesn't hate Jews. But, that doesn't change the fact that his views with regards to Jews are completely nuts. Why doesn't she say as much?
- Her reference to "ruthless Israeli/US hegemony" is reckless for a political analyst and research fellow. US hegemony okay. But, Israel? Using Israel in that context is a reflection of her own paranoia - as if Israel really determines US policy. It doesn't. The interests of the United States determine US policy, nothing else.
- Her casual reference to "the accusation of Arab/Muslim anti-Semitism" implies that this is not true. If that is so, then more Islamic/Arab leaders need to be heard. I had no trouble finding Americans willing to denounce General Boykin, but couldn't find a single article/news item where a leading Muslim had condemned Mahathir Muhammad. I can't say that none did, but I just couldn't find them through Google.