Monday, February 05, 2007

Explaining football

Yesterday's Sunday Business Post provided a 'helpful' guide to understanding football (American style). I don't think there's a whole lot that's incorrect in their explanation, but my God it sounds so complicated. Even though I'm not a fan (didn't stay up last night to watch the Super Bowl and didn't care who won) I understand the game. I doubt anyone among the "uninitiated" could possibly have gotten much from the Business Post's explanation. I think you'd be better off just watching a few games.

Oh, and there is one minor error. "On the offensive side, the linemen are the heavy players and weigh an average of 26 stone." 26 stone is 364lbs. At first I was willing to accept that players had grown that big, but then I decided to have a look and found that the team with the heaviest line in the league, Oakland, has an average weight of 323lbs. Still, that's outrageously heavy. Those guys are doing a lot of grazing.