Thursday, September 01, 2005


The more I see and read of the Gulf Coast the more I don't know what to think. It's almost the complete opposite (for me, anyway) of what happened on September 11. On September 11, it all started with fright and confusion that gradually gave way to a calm acceptance of what had happened and what had to be done.

In this case it just seems to get worse by the hour. What started out as a wet and windy storm has now exploded beyond anything I would have imagined. Civil order is only hanging on in New Orleans, there are refugees (refugees - in America!) walking out of the city, and there is still no communication at all with people in some areas.

I can't come up with a single acceptable explanation for anyone in the city of New Orleans to be without food, water and shelter by the end of today. Federal troops, national guardsmen, police from other jurisdictions all should be employed to restore order and provide supplies. This is the third day now. How long can it take? Commandeer trucks and planes if necessary, but get supplies and personnel there.